Preparation of Financial Statements Based On MYOB Accounting Plus V.18 At PT Wahana Mitra Perkasa

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Oktavia Nurul Aini
Kautsar Riza Salman
Arif Zeinfiki Djunaedi


PT Wahana Mitra Perkasa is a company engaged in inter-city transportation services, which still survives with a manual accounting recording system in recording financial transactions and compiling company financial statements, giving rise to the risk of losing records, the risk of recording errors, and the risk of lack of information. This study aims to understand the process and technical preparation of financial statements using MYOB Accounting Plus V.18 at PT Wahana Mitra Perkasa and to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of processing financial transaction data using MYOB Accounting Plus V.18 in producing financial reports. The research method used is descriptive analysis, with data collection techniques in the form of interviews and observations. The results obtained are that PT Wahana Mitra Perkasa set accounting policies for general policies, cash disbursements, cash receipts, and depreciation of fixed assets. To support the recording of financial transactions, PT Wahana Mitra Perkasa makes a list of accounts according to the company's needs. There is a beginning trial balance prepared by the company, accompanied by a list of financial transactions and adjustment data for May 2022. Research on the preparation of financial statements based on MYOB Accounting Plus V.18 at PT Wahana Mitra Perkasa shows positive results, and company owners find it helpful because the MYOB Accounting Plus application V.18 can produce financial reports more quickly and precisely than the manual system, making it easier to know the company's performance in the current period. PT Wahana Mitra Perkasa plans to use the MYOB Accounting V.18 application further.

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