The Influence of Working Capital Turnover and Debt to Equity Ratio on Return on Asset
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The Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 caused the performance of the pharmaceutical subsector to fluctuate. From these results, it can be seen that the Return on Assets of pharmaceutical subsector companies has decreased and Working Capital Turnover has also decreased. The low working capital turnover was due to a decrease in current assets and an increase in current debt used to finance company projects. A low working capital turnover ratio means that working capital processing is not running well, whereas a high working capital turnover ratio means that the company's working capital is functioning effectively. This research aims to know the influence of Working Capital Turnover and debt-debt-equity ratio on Return on Assets in companies' subsector pharmacy period 2017-2022. Data analysis techniques used that is analysis Descriptive and Verifiable using the Assumption Test Classic, Multiple Linear Regression Test, Analysis Coefficient Correlation, Analysis Coefficient Determination, and Hypothesis Testing. The results of this research show that the Working Capital Turnover Variable has partially no influence on the Return on Assets and the Debt to Equity Ratio variable has Partial influential negatively on the Return on Assets Overall Simultaneous Working Capital Turnover and Debt to Equity Ratio affect the Return on Assets.
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